Safety is our first priority at Cirrus, period. Nothing is so important that we cannot take the time to do it safely. Each and every day, for over 25 years, our teams have worked safely and effectively. Cirrus maintains a health and safety management system that helps us to ensure compliance with Alberta OHS laws and legislation. We also verify that our health and safety goals and objectives being met and continuously improved through a program of observations, inspections and internal/external audits.

In Alberta, a COR demonstrates that the employer’s health and safety management system has been evaluated by a certified auditor and meets provincial standards. These standards are established by Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). To get a COR, the organization must first have a health and safety management system in place, and then have it successfully audited through a Certifying Partner.
If the organization passes the audit, the Certifying Partner will jointly issue a COR with the Government of Alberta.
Cirrus maintains a current Certificate of Recognition (COR) that is supported by our Health and Safety Management System
Cirrus is also a past recipient of the Government of Alberta “Work Safe Best Performer” award.

Cirrus maintains a Certificate of Recognition (COR) and is an active member vendor with ISNetworld. Since 1995, our outstanding health and safety performance has been reflected in our reduced WCB premiums and the receipt of a Work Safe Best Performer award from the Alberta Government.
Each and every day, our teams strive to work more safely and effectively. We also verify that our health and safety goals and objectives being met and continuously improved through a rigorous program of observations, inspections and internal/external audits.