Decades of proven experience at complex and problematic contaminated sites across Western Canada has provided us with a depth of understanding that is unique among environmental consulting firms. Since 1995 we have maintained a team of experts that has provided expert reports, litigation support and expert testimony on legal disputes where the claims have exceeded $1B CAD.
We have successfully supported numerous top national and international law firms on challenging and difficult files that can often include multiple lines of evidence and diverse stakeholders. We understand how to successfully support legal counsel in both written and verbal communication to ensure successful outcomes for our clients.

Our Approach is Unique
In addition to deep technical expertise and decades of practical experience, we build our evidence around a proprietary tool we call a Decision Support Site Model (DS2M). The DS2M is used to display complex ideas in a straightforward and compelling manner. What makes the DS2M so powerful is that it integrates site-specific geotechnical, geospatial and chemical data, along with compliance and financial constraints into beautifully rendered 3-dimensional models built that are built on photorealistic imagery.
To the layperson or opposing technical expert, it succinctly tells the story of how a particular site became contaminated, what contaminants are present – and if they represent a threat to human health and the environment. Most importantly, we use the DS2M to opine on the associated environmental liabilities associated with the contamination.
Our DS2M has been widely praised and used for a variety of purposes by legal counsel. These include supporting one or more lines of evidence, aggregating data from multiple sources over time, communicating complex issues and processes, bringing site-specific conditions to light and highlighting data gaps. Most importantly they are dynamic and can be adapted and updated to reflect changing site conditions or new information.